Stop and Clamping Square 90 L ‐ nitrided:2-160110.N

Stop and Clamping Square 90 L, can be utilized as a multifunctional adjustable angle, by combining system boreholes and elongated hole. A height-adjustable support can be created, by combining the Stop and Clamping Square 50 L (Item No. 160105.N) and the Stop and Clamping Square 90 SL (Item No. 160109.N). It also functions well as […]

Stop and Clamping Square 90 SL ‐ nitrided:2-160109.N

Stop and Clamping Square 90 X / 90 SL, can be used as a stop for large sections. By clamping the elongated hole, the Stop and Clamping Square 90 SL creates a height-adjustable surface. ‐ combination of borehole and elongated hole ‐ Standard with fine scaling on both sides

Stop and Clamping Square 90 X ‐ nitrided:2-160108.N

Stop and Clamping Square 90 X and 90 SL, applicable as a stop for large sections. In addition, it is compatible with all squares and can create a height-adjustable surface by clamping into the elongated hole. ‐ elongated hole ‐ Standard with fine scaling on both sides

Universal Stop 115 L ‐ nitrided:2-160420.N

Universal Stop 115 L, fixed or variably adjustable, due to the combination of elongated hole and system boreholes (adjustment range 0-50 mm). It is also appropriate for use with prisms and adapters. ‐ combination of borehole and elongated hole ‐ Standard with fine scaling on both sides

Magnetic Clamping Bolt 34 ‐ Aluminum:160740

Magnetical Clamping Bolt, enables fast clamping without bolting or the use of tools. It is suitable for pressure-sensitive parts like thin sheet metal, as well as components where counter holding is not possible, e.g. sheet metal housings that are closed all around.

Connecting Bolt double ‐ nitrided:2-160560.N

Connecting Bolt, especially designed as a fixed long-term connection of large Siegmund Elements, e.g. tables or U-shaped squares. The countersunk hexagon socket and the ability of the clamping bolt to center itself, enable easy assembly. The flat head and the flat bolt contain a hexagon socket for clamping. The connecting bolt provides a sturdy screw […]

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